Engine General Information Engine History JT8D Landmarks JT8D Engine Data Temps, Pressures, RPM, PSI, Ect. For the JT8 Family
Ground Operations Caution Notes, Danger Areas Engine Stations Engine datum points explained Engine Flat Rating What is it, Described
Engine Maintenance Concepts Well sort explained anyway, everyone's different Engine Temps and Pressures Typical engine internal pressures and temperatures Engine Bearings And Seals System Description, types installed
Engine Ignition System Description Engine Indicating System Description Engine Thrust What is it, described
Engine Oil System System Description Engine Surge Bleed System System Description, (Ah ! , so that's how it works) Engine Fuel System System Description
Runaway JT8 A little ditty that can sometimes occur Corrosion Inspection Pictures SB 6038 It's not one of my engines, interesting pic's though Cruise Capability vs TAT Chart In colour, nice format
LRC Chart -15 In colour, nice format Engine DIY Stage 3 Mod How to save $600K, no I'm not taking pi*s, it works  
  Airworthiness Directives Engine JT8D